This is probably the quickest way to make money on the site. Don't worry about needing a credit card because there are plenty of free offers that are available. There are also higher paying offers that usually require a credit card, if that's what interests you.
There are 3 surveys that can be completed once daily. Surveys #1 and #3 pay 75¢ each and Survey #2 pays $1. That's a possible $2.50/day!
You get paid 5¢ for each link that you click on. These can only be done once every 24 hours.
When you do any online shopping at any of the stores on the Cash Shopping list, a percentage of your purchase will be added to your TreasureTrooper account! Currently, there are 219 stores listed and next to each store is the percentage that it pays back. There is also a button that will give you a link to give out to anybody you know. Then, if they do any shopping using that link, that percentage of their shopping will be added to your TreasureTrooper account. How else can you get paid while someone else shops?
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